Follow-up session to the Workshop “Implications of AI for Teaching Academic Writing”

Registration open for all instructors at the University of Graz

The initial workshop, which took place in May and June, provided a comprehensive overview of the role of AI in the context of writing development and writing instruction. The interest expressed by many of its participants have led us to arrange a follow-up session specifically designed to address the practical aspects of integrating AI-related tools and methodologies into your classes for the upcoming winter term. Participants should bring their syllabus as well as some ideas on how they want to incorporate AI in their class. We will discuss possible teaching scenarios as well as transparent communication of what is expected to students. 


Erika Unterpertinger is a member of the team "Student Research and Peer Learning" at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the University of Vienna. In her dissertation "How do we develop what we have to say? Academic writers' processes of 'discovery' and their didactic support", she researches processes of 'discovery' that are connected to novice academic writing. She is the editor-in-chief of the first German-language OA journal for writing studies, "zisch: zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre schreibforschung" (