Workload survey
How much time do students invest in completing a course?

Since the academic year 2022/23, the University of Graz has had a workload survey, which is implemented using the youni app and the uniYOU web portal .
Students can enter their daily workload for each course in the categories of attendance, exam preparation and assignments.
In this way, the university takes into account the legal requirement to evaluate the distribution of ECTS credits in the curricula and ECTS equity (§ 58 para. 12 and § 14 para. 2 UG).
Instructors who would like to actively participate in the workload survey with their courses should make their students aware of the survey at the beginning of the semester. It is also advisable to remind students to record their workload throughout the semester or to give them time to do so directly in the course.
At the end of the semester, instuctors will receive an aggregated report on the average workload of their students on request (lehrevaluierung(at)

Benefits for instructors
Instructors receive feedback
- on the average workload of their students.
- on the distribution of the workload over the semester.
- on the distribution of the workload in the categories attendance, exam preparation and assignments.
This feedback can be valuable for the further development of one's course design.
Benefits for students
- can track how much time they really spend on a course.
- can see how much time they spend on which course and when.
- can see how much time is needed on average in different courses in order to better plan their semester.
- have the opportunity to give their instructors feedback and thus help shape their course design.
Contact us
Quality Assurance and Development in Uni. Teaching (Department of Academic Services)
Course evaluation, teaching awards, workload surveyGo to
Every course is evaluated at least once every two years using a standardized questionnaire. Instructors can also have their courses evaluated voluntarily at any time and thus receive valuable feedback on their teaching.
Instructors can find numerous suggestions for analog and digital tools for obtaining student feedback on this page.