Teaching award: Focus 2023/24
Strengthening strengths and learning from mistakes
(Further) development is a top priority at the University of Graz. owever, the focus is not on finding flawless solutions, but on practice, teamwork, trying things out and communication. After all, making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process. This also applies to university teaching. Students should be encouraged to make mistakes. Not only does this ensure that students are more motivated, but it often leads to higher performance. In this sense, mistakes are not a sign of incompetence, but contribute significantly to the development and extension of knowledge and skills (cf. Schuhmacher: 2007; cf. Hascher/Hagenauer: 2010).
The 2023/24 teaching awards will highlight courses in which, for example
- Students learn how to deal productively with mistakes
- Students receive constructive feedback;
- A positive culture of failure is practiced;
- Students are encouraged to practice and fail in order to learn from them;
- Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning process;
- Teachers inquire about and take into account students' learning status and needs;
- Teachers provide insight into their own failures and incorporate these into the teaching-learning process.
Courses (with the exception of private seminars and diploma/dissertation seminars) that are held as part of a regular degree program at the University of Graz in the academic year 2023/24 can be nominated with a convincing justification via the nomination form.
The following groups of people can nominate
- Groups of at least 3 students a course they have attended
- Curriculum chairperson
- (Vice) Deans of Studies
Please make sure to nominate courses for the winter semester 2023/24 by 9.1.2024 at the latest and courses for the summer semester 2024 by 2.6.2024.
If you have missed the nomination deadline, please send an e-mail to lehrpreis(at)uni-graz.at.
What happens after the nomination?
LV evaluation
Once the nomination has been received, the teacher(s) will be informed. If they agree with the nomination, the course will be activated for evaluation in UNIGRAZonline. Additional questions related to the focus of the Teaching Award are attached to the standard questionnaire.
The teacher is asked to submit a course outline. The following aspects must be explained: Description of the course, competence orientation, reference to the focus of the Teaching Award, student-centred learning, teaching philosophy & pedagogical concept as well as instrucional design & use of teaching/learning technologies.
Selection procedure
Before the start of the new academic year, usually at the end of September, a jury invited by the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching meets to select the course concepts worthy of an award from the nominations. The submission documents are assessed on the basis of the concept content with regard to the following criteria:
- Reference to the focus of the Teaching Award "Strengthening strengths and learning from mistakes",
- meaningful and complete course description in UNIGRAZonline,
- student feedback that is consistent with the course outline,
- educational design,
- motivated use of teaching techniques and instructional designs and
- appropriateness (to achieve the intended learning objectives).