Digital Resources
The Writing Center's Digital Resources is a series that offers educational videos on academic writing to support teaching and tutoring tasks.
They provide a step-by-step description and offer tips for academic writing. From developing a research question, the 7-part series guides its audience through the entire writing process and includes tips for planning as well as managing writing projetcs. Each digital entry is accompanied by an individual study module for students. These include a series of tasks that guide students in applying the content and techniques explained in the input to their own writing practice of specific work.
Instructors and supervisors are invited to use the digital resource series and independent-study modules in their teaching and supervising process. The resources can be used as a source of inspiration or a template for designing their own discipline-specific material. Another option would be to integrate it directly into teaching or have it made available as supplemental content for moodle courses. We would be happy to advise you. (contact: schreibzentrum(at)

- Dimensions of the academic writing skills
- Requirements for academic texts
- Process of academic writing and tips for each step
Independent study module for students "Besonderheiten des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens" (only available in German)
- importance and purpose of a research question
- narrowing down a topic
- developing a research question
Independent study module for students "Forschungsfrage entwickeln" (only available in German)
- What function does literature serve in academic writing?
- How can relevant literature be found successfully?
- How can literature be prepared for use in the work?
- How does the linguistic integration of cited literature work?
Independent study module for students "Umgang mit Literatur" (only available in German)
- Functions and characteristics of structuring in academic work
- Principles and work techniques for creating an outline
- Structures at the chapter and section levels
Independent study module for students "Strukturieren der Arbeit" (only available in German)
- What is meant by text production?
- Why does writing raw texts help?
- How can raw texts be produced quickly?
- Method for creating a rough draft
Independent study module for students "Textproduktion" (only available in German)
- The importance of revision in academic writing
- Levels of text revision
- Systematic approach to revising and practical tips
Independent study module for students "Textüberarbeitung" (only available in German)
- Why is it important to control the work process when writing an academic paper?
- How can the work process be managed efficiently?
- Which approach is suitable for planning and organizing a paper?
Independent study module for students "Steuerung" (only available in German)
Service points
Writing Center (SZ)
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