Student-centred learning and motivation
The"shift from teaching to learning" has been recommended for university teaching since the 1990s. This means that university teaching should not focus on the teacher-centred transfer of content. Instead, learners should be encouraged to actively initiate learning processes themselves. The teacher's task is to create meaningful learning environments and situations and to support the students.
Students and their learning processes are the focus of teaching, which is why we speak of student-centred teaching. Characteristics of student-centred teaching are
- active and self-organized learning
- target group-oriented teaching
- choice
- interaction
The following event recordings will provide you with more detailed information and explanations on the topics of student-centred learning.

Speaker: Anja Centeno-Garcia
Speaker: Richard Bale
Speaker: Sabine Hoidn
Speaker: Wolfgang Gruber

Motivating students
As Martin Daumiller and Lisa Bäukle explain in their presentation "Motivation and procrastination in higher education" (High Noon - Didaktik zu Mittag as of 17.11.2021), student motivation depends on personal factors on the one hand and on the context of the teaching and learning situation on the other. While the individual motives and approaches of students can only be influenced to a limited extent, the design of the teaching and learning context lies with the teachers.
According to Ryan & Deci's self-determination theory (2000), people are intrinsically motivated when they
- can act autonomously
- feel socially integrated
- feel competent
These needs can be met by designing student-centred and target group-oriented teaching that promotes self-organization, interaction and activation.
You can find further suggestions on how to design motivating teaching and learning arrangements, how to deal with procrastination and how to deal constructively with mistakes in the linked event recordings.
Speakers: Lisa Bäukle, Martin Daumiller
Speaker: Gayannée Kedia
Speaker: Gerhard Furtmüller
Speaker: Olivia Vrabl
Speaker: Silke Kruse-Weber
Speakers: Astrid Fritz, Florian Schmid