Implementing techniques and tools
Finding out about teaching and learning techniques
When searching for possible teaching and learning techniques, extensive collections can be found very quickly. In addition to publications and handouts, many universities have curated web-based collections of methods for teachers. Some useful sources in German include
- WU Vienna collection of methods (link)
- FH Campus 02 collection of methods (link)
- University of Konstanz collection of methods (link)
- University of Duisburg-Essen collection of methods(PDF)
- University of Giessen teaching techniques kit (PDF)
Selecting teaching and learning techniques
Despite the abundance of existing teaching and learning techniques, the aim is not to use as many as possible, but to select the appropriate ones for the respective teaching and learning situation. In her lecture "The dos and don'ts when choosing teaching and learning techniques" (High Noon - Didaktik zu Mittag as of 24.11.2014), Dr. OliviaVrabl presents some criteria for choosing teaching and learning techniques:
- Content relevance
- Relational relevance
- Connectivity and prior knowledge
- Learning growth
- Depth of learning
- Level of action
- Reflective experiences
- Learning outcome orientation
Watch the entire event recording and get more information on the topics of methodological diversity and methodological competence.